Target Stubborn Fat on Your Flanks or Abs with SculpSure

SculpSure LogoEven with diet and exercise, some parts of the body are notoriously hard to slim down—especially the flanks and the abs. So when you’re having a hard time eliminating all areas of fat, think of SculpSure as your secret weapon.

What Is SculpSure?
A noninvasive, nonsurgical, body-contouring laser treatment that relies on controlled, light-based technology, SculpSure is an effective way to sculpt and shape fatty areas on the stomach or the flanks. It has been shown to get patients results in as little as 12 weeks—or, in some cases, even six weeks—trimming away excess fat to unveil a leaner, trimmer appearance.

How Does It Work?
Through short, 25 minute treatment sessions, with minimal discomfort that feel like a warm yet cooling sensation on your skin, SculpSure damages fat cells in such a way as to force the body to eliminate them over time. It heats these cells beneath the skin, without damage to the skin’s surface in any way. The body naturally responds by processing these damaged cells away and out of the body, leaving behind a leaner, more sculpted appearance at the treatment location.

Is There Downtime Involved?
After each SculpSure treatment, you are free to resume daily activities right away. While you may see results in just six to twelve weeks, you will likely need multiple treatments to achieve the best results.

SculpSure Treatments at The Laser Institute of Pinehurst
When you’re ready to learn more about the effective SculpSure treatments we offer at The Laser Institute of Pinehurst, all you have to do is get in touch with our team. We’ll be glad to talk about your specific situation and develop a customized treatment plan catered to you.

Get in touch today to learn more!