Introducing Tattoo Tuesdays & Tattoo Thursdays
Take 25% off any package of 5 Tattoo Removals when purchasing the package in advance. No other discounts apply. Treatments must be performed on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Do any of these descriptions sound like you?
- You regret getting your tattoo.
- You would love to remove your tattoo, but some dark colors have been hard to target with treatments.
- You have frustrating age spots you wish you could remove.
- You wish your skin could look younger and healthier again.
If so, you’re not alone. As many as one in five people regret their tattoos, believe it or not! Many other patients have the exact same frustrations you do—whether it’s about old tattoos they no longer want or the effects of aging they wish they could change. That’s why we’re pleased to offer PicoSure™ treatments. PicoSure™ is the only picosecond aesthetic laser on the market, used for both skin revitalization and tattoo removal.
Highlights of PicoSure for Tattoo Removal
- PicoSure is the most advanced laser treatment available for removing unwanted tattoos and pigmentation.
- It’s a quick, in-office treatment that targets unwanted ink or age spots.
- Its unique picosecond technology means faster results, improved recovery time and fewer treatments for your tattoo removal.
How PicoSure Works
In PicoSure treatments, ultra-short pulses of lasers hit the target area with powerful pressure that disrupts the ink or pigmentation. Your tattoo or age spot breaks up into tiny, dust-like particles—so tiny, in fact, that they’re easily reabsorbed into the body and eliminated through normal elimination channels. As a result, your skin’s appearance changes, gradually returning to its normal look over time.
To learn more about PicoSure treatments and how they could work for you, contact us today!