Spring is right around the corner and summer will be here in a flash. In addition to setting your clocks forward an hour, it’s important to think about all of the things that you can be doing to look and feel your best before the warmer months arrive. Winter has a way of making us all want to hibernate. Activity levels and motivation can drop, especially when the days are short and the temperatures are bitter.
Now is the perfect time to think about how you can achieve the weight you have always wanted with help from the caring staff at The Laser Institute of Pinehurst. Dr. Melley and her staff offer customized weight loss programs that are tailored to your personalized needs. Along the way, they will make the necessary adjustments to help you stay on track to success.
It is no secret that abs are made in the kitchen. Nutrition and fitness go hand in hand with weight loss and feeling healthy. Proper nutrition can help you maintain your ideal weight, fuel your body for work outs as well as reduce the risk of diseases such as certain cancers, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and osteoporosis. Introducing colorful fruits and vegetables into your diet can provide you with the nutrients needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Practicing good nutrition promotes healthy habits that will last a lifetime.
Vitamins and supplements will help assure that you are getting all of the essential nutrients that you may not be getting from your balanced diet. Additionally, certain medical conditions or genetic disorders can prevent the proper absorption of the nutrients from food and taking supplements can help bridge the gap.
Your health may not be the only thing on your mind as the warmer days approach. With warmer weather comes shorts and other more skin revealing clothing, it’s time to also think about that unwanted hair. Shaving can be a hassle. Razors dull quickly, leave behind razor burn and ingrown hairs and is only a temporary fix. Laser hair removal is a safe and effective way to permanently remove hair by destroying the hair follicle while leaving the surrounding skin unharmed. Treatments can be completed in under 30 minutes depending on the size of the area being treated.
Spring and summer fashion is a great way to show off your fitness progress, smooth legs and even the artwork on your skin. Tattoos can be a beautiful way to express yourself, however, over time they can fade and look less than appealing. Many people regret the tattoos they received when they were younger and are self-conscious about showing tattooed skin. Depending on the size and age of the tattoo, laser tattoo removal can safely reduce or fade old tattoos while keeping the unaffected skin safe.
These are just a few things that you can do to get ready for summer. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Melley to determine if there are additional treatments such as skin rejuvenation and body sculpting that you can combine with your existing efforts. The experts at The Laser Institute of Pinehurst can tailor a skin rejuvenation program that suits your needs and goals. Learn more about how which laser treatments can benefit you and help you achieve younger looking skin at pinehurstlaser.com/Lasers or call 910-295-1130 today to schedule your consultation!