Whether you’re longing for a youthful look or wanting to smooth away some wrinkles, injectable fillers could be the answer. At The Laser Institute of Pinehurst, we offer a variety of injectable fillers designed to give you nonsurgical, effective treatment options for counteracting the effects of aging. Our lineup of fillers includes:
- Juvederm™ Injectable Gel: Used to counteract moderate to severe facial folds and wrinkles, Juvederm™ is a hyaluronic gel that can smooth out the skin for up to a year.
- Radiesse™: A calcium-based product used to restore facial volume, sculpt contours on the face and smooth out smile lines, Radiesse provides a natural, youthful look for up to 18 months.
- Voluma Injectable Gel by Juvederm: This injectable provides a way to instantly increase the volume of the cheeks, creating a subtle lift and a more youthful profile for up to two years.
- Restylane Lyft: Known for treating facial folds, wrinkles and lips, Restylane Lyft (formerly known as Perlane) is an injectable that’s been used to correct smile lines and to restore cheek volume.
- Restylane Silk: Smooth away wrinkles and fine lines with Restylane Silk, a product known to enhance facial features.
- Belotero: Soft enough to treat delicate lip lines yet strong enough to tackle nasolabial folds, Belotero is a product specially designed to integrate into your skin.
Did you know that we also offer Kybella, which dissolves fat in a targeted fashion to reduce double chins (submental fullness)?
- Kybella: This injectable targets the submental area (beneath the chin) in order to improve a person’s profile.
Interested in learning more about our injectables and how they could help you smooth away wrinkles, lift parts of your face and improve your youthful glow? Contact us at The Laser Institute of Pinehurst to learn more. 910-295-1130