You can now safely, confidently get rid of unwanted tattoos in an easier, more effective way than ever before thanks to the variety of PicoSure hand pieces and advanced technology that we have available here at our office . PicoSure, the device known for providing safe and effective tattoo removal, becomes an even more powerful and useful tool with its advanced additional features:
- The PicoSure 755nm, the handpiece that comes with the base model of the device, provides optimal treatment for clients looking to treat tattoos. Some offices only offer this wavelength, but our office offers additional options for better results.
- The 532nm and 1064nm wavelength adapters will treat the harder-to-target colors like red, purple, yellow and orange tattoo inks.
- The PicoSure FOCUS Lens Array extends even beyond tattoo removal to handle skin rejuvenationand scar treatments.
To sum it up, The Laser Institute of Pinehurst is now able to treat an even wider variety of tattoo colors on a larger variety of skin types thanks to the capabilities of these handpieces. If you’ve got an unwanted tattoo that you are ready to do something about, now may be the perfect time.
Are you interested in learning more about tattoo removal? Contact us anytime! 910-295-1130