Many patients wonder what the difference is between SculpSure and CoolSculpting and if one is specifically better than the other. Pinehurst Laser has decided on SculpSure over CoolSculpting. Below outlines the reason we believe SculpSure is the better choice.
Both CoolSculpting and SculpSure are contouring machines that use temperature to destroy fat cells. They both also retain about an 80% patient satisfaction rate. That is where the similarities end.
Now for the significant differences between CoolSculpting and SculpSure:
- Treatment area and time – SculpSure takes only 25 minutes and can treat multiple areas at the same time. CoolSculpting treatments take 60 minutes and can only treat one area at a time.
- Pain level – Patients who have had CoolSculpting treatments have reported bruising and pain after treatment, sometimes requiring pain medication. CoolSculpting can also damage the body’s nerves. While SculpSure patients have reported a comfortable warming sensation on the skin during treatment and they were able to immediately get back to normal daily activities after.
- No Suction – CoolSculpting applicators require areas of fat large enough to be pulled and sucked up into the applicator. If the problem area is not big enough, it simply cannot be treatment by CoolSculpting. SculpSure uses flat applicators that don’t use the suction method, instead employing heated lasers to destroy the fat cells, this allows SculpSure to treat the tinniest pockets of fat.
- Shelving or “Shark Bite” – Because CoolSculpting uses the suction method, some patients see a sharp indentation on the treatment area vs the untreated area, mimicking the look of a shark bite. SculpSure uses an applicator that sits on top of the skin with no suction necessary. Using the heat from lasers, the treatment spreads beyond the applicator head blending the treated and untreated areas, avoiding the “shark bite” side effect.